Assessment of the Effectiveness of Implemented State Programs in the Healthcare Sector of Kazakhstan


  • Айгуль Оразымбетова Министерство здравоохранения Республики Казахстан
  • Галия Султанбекова Алматы Менеджмент Университет


state programs, strategic planning, healthcare system, Kazakhstan


The aim: evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented state programs in the field of healthcare in Kazakhstan.
Methods. The paper analyzes 4 state programs for the development of the healthcare system implemented in the years of
independence of Kazakhstan and describes preliminary data on the program - "State Program for the Development of Healthcare of
the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025".
Results. As a result of the implementation of the state programs "Healthy Nation", the state programs for 2005-2010, "Salamatty
Kazakhstan", "Densaulyk", maternal mortality decreased by 3,3 times, infant mortality decreased by 1,7 times, mortality from diseases
of the circulatory system almost 3 times, mortality from malignant neoplasms by 1,4 times, mortality from tuberculosis by 8,4 times, as
a result, life expectancy increased by 6,96 years and reached 73,18 years.
Conclusion. Over the years of implementation of health development programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there has
been a positive trend in indicators that characterize the health of the population, which in turn contributes to improving the quality and
increasing the life expectancy of the country's population. Basic health indicators have been improved and health funding has been
increased. However, despite these results, life expectancy and funding remain low compared to other countries.


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