Instructions for article execution

All articles should be submitted in WORD format using Arial 12 font, 1 spacing with 2 cm margins on all sides.

Title page

The title page contains the title of the article, data (Surname / Name / Patronymic, position, place of work, city, country; e-mail; ORCID) of all participants designated as the Author. The Author's data for contacting the Editors, as well as the postal code, postal address, telephone number, e-mail, should be given at the bottom of the title page.

The title page is executed in Kazakh, Russian and English.


The abstract should not exceed 300 words. Abstract of original articles has purpose, methods, results, conclusions and keywords. Abstract of review articles is drawn up in the form of a single paragraph, which contains information about the relevance of the selected topic. Abstract should not contain abbreviated words. References to literature in the abstract are not allowed. When selecting keywords, authors must strictly use the Medical Subject Headings (Index Medicus).

The abstract is also executed in Kazakh, Russian and English.


Primary file of the article

For original articles (results of the Authors' own research), the Journal has adopted the IMRaD format (English Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion), according to which the structure of the manuscript should contain sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions.

In the introduction the essence, relevance and purpose of the study should be clearly defined. This section should provide a background for research. It is necessary to substantiate and indicate specific goals or hypothesis of the study.

Materials and methods: should contain study design; a description of the participants or the type of material used in the work; a description of all the activities carried out and the type of statistical analysis. In this section, Authors must declare that the study complies with basic Ethical principles.

Authors are required to indicate that written Patient Informed consent was obtained for the dissemination of his medical information.

Results: this section should present the data obtained and the results of statistical analysis without interpretation. Results should be presented in a logical sequence in the form of text, tables and / or figures.

Discussion: This section should include the interpretation of the study results. These findings need to be discussed in the context of other studies reported in the literature. The discussion can also present the strengths and weaknesses of the study.

Conclusions: Conclusions should be related to the objectives of the study and should be written in a single paragraph. Conclusions must contain qualified statements and data confirmed by the Authors. Conclusions should not contain abbreviated words.

Conflict of interests. Authors must declare the presence / absence of a conflict of interest. If there is a conflict of interest, the first Author must complete a Conflict of interest application form.

Acknowledgements. Authors can complete this section if necessary. Acknowledgements go to the organizations where the research was carried out; individuals who participated in the work on the article, but are not its Authors.

Funding. At funding of the research result of which are presented in the article Authors must indicate the source of funding.

Author contributions. It is an essential section of a manuscript. In this section it is necessary to indicate contribution (intellectual input) of each Author during the work on the article.

The Editorial Staff of the Journal recommends Authors to use the Template for the original article when preparing the manuscript.


Text of review articles includes an introduction, and also the main part, structured on subsections with titles and conclusions.

The Editorial Staff of the Journal recommends Authors to use the Template for review article when preparing the manuscript.



References should be given on a separate sheet with double spacing. The literature used should be sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals in the order in which it was first mentioned in the text. The reference number should be placed in square brackets at the end of the sentence, before the period. A link to a scientific article should contain the following information: authors, article title, journal name, year, volume / number, first and last pages of the article. Book references should include only the year of publication and the number of pages. At the end of each source, you must insert a digital object identifier (DOI).

A literary source published in Kazakh or Russian must be translated into Latin (transliteration).

For execution of different types of literary sources see the Template for original article.



Tables must be printed on a separate sheet, double-spaced. Each table must contain the name and numbering of the table in the order in which it was first mentioned in the text. All abbreviations used in the table must be presented in alphabetical order in the explanation to the table. It is recommended to present voluminous tables in the form of an appendix at the end of the article.



Figures must also be named and numbered. Drawings must be clear and present at a minimum of 300 dots per inch (DPI) in JPEG format.