Remote Monitoring and Management of Arterial Hypertension Patients in the Digital Age


  • Ainur Bilmakhanbetova Astana Medical University
  • Gulnara Kulkayeva National Research Center for Healthcare Development named after Salidat Kairbekova
  • Serik Ibrayev Astana Medical University
  • Lyazzat Saduakassova International Group for the Support of Best Practices in Healthcare



arterial hypertension, remote monitoring of blood pressure, telemedicine, quality of medical care, accessibility of medical care


The use of active remote monitoring of patients with AH receiving antihypertensive therapy helps to achieve target BP values with subsequent monitoring of health indicators, as well as to provide timely medical care. Remote monitoring and treatment using information and communication technologies has been proposed to improve the quality of medical care. The introduction of remote BP monitoring will
significantly improve the existing model of diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic diseases, increase the number of observed
patients at each therapeutic site without increasing the time for dispensary observation, as well as attract the working-age population to primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Taking into account modern trends in medical care for the working population and progress in information technologies, there is currently an opportunity to build a new model, which, while maintaining the main levels and stages of medical care, should ensure compliance with uniform standards of medical care, which can be ensured through the introduction of telemedicine and mobile components.
The new elements of the system include: retrofitting medical stations of enterprises with medical and telecommunication equipment, connecting them to medical information systems; application of patient-oriented personal hardware and software systems for prevention, treatment monitoring and rehabilitation; use of mobile medical and telemedicine complexes; building up the material, technical and human resource capacity of emergency medical aid and medical evacuation services; development of digital communication systems between hospitals and medical centers in remote areas; and development of a new system of medical and telemedicine services. Organizational solutions in the field of digital and mobile medicine can serve as a basis for building a promising model of medical support for the working population in remote areas,
ensuring proper quality and accessibility of medical care.
The article considers the main aspects of using remote blood pressure monitoring as one of the methods of telemedicine health control. The regulatory and legal framework regulating the provision of medical care with the use of remote blood pressure monitoring is presented. The main technical aspects and technological models of telemedicine monitoring of BP in patients with arterial hypertension are analyzed. The review of publications devoted to clinical and economic efficiency of remote monitoring of blood pressure is given.


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Author Biographies

Ainur Bilmakhanbetova, Astana Medical University


Gulnara Kulkayeva , National Research Center for Healthcare Development named after Salidat Kairbekova

Chairman of the Board

Serik Ibrayev, Astana Medical University

Professor of the Department of Public Health and Management

Lyazzat Saduakassova, International Group for the Support of Best Practices in Healthcare

Executive Director




