Evaluation Changes in Indicators of Oncological Service in Colon Cancer in Kazakhstan


  • Askhat Axarin Astana Medical University
  • Dulat Turebayev Astana Medical University
  • Zaituna Khamidullina Astana Medical University
  • Zhansaya Telmanova Astana Medical University
  • Gulnur Igissinova Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Zarina Bilyalova Central Asian Institute for Medical Research
  • Zhanerke Azhetova Astana Medical University
  • Serikbay Orozbaev Astana Medical University
  • Kuanish Kulayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Kulsara Rustemova Astana Medical University
  • Saken Kozhakhmetov Astana Medical University
  • Nurbek Igissinov Astana Medical University




colon cancer, incidence, mortality, early diagnosis, neglect, morphological verification


According to World Health Organization (2020), about 1.148.515 new cases of colon cancer (СС) are registered annually. Colorectal cancer currently (2020) ranks fourth (9.4%) in the structure of cancer incidence in Kazakhstan. At the same time, about 4.9% of new cases of all registered cases of cancer annually account for CC.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate some indicators of the oncological service of Kazakhstan on CC in 2010-2019.
Methods. The material of study was the data of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan – annual Form No. 7 and 35 concerning CC (ICD 10 – C18) for 2010-2019 – morbidity, mortality, early diagnosis, neglect, morphological verification. A retrospective study using descriptive and analytical methods of biomedical statistics was used as the main method.
Results. In 2010-2019, 15.834 new cases of CC and 7.694 deaths from this pathology were registered in Kazakhstan. CC incidence tended to increase from 8.3±0.20/0000 (2010) to 8.8±0.20/0000 in 2019 (p=0.077). In dynamics, mortality rates from СC tended to decrease from 4.9±0.20/0000 (2010) to 3.9±0.10/0000
in 2019 (p=0.000). The study reveals a trend: the indicators of early diagnosis (the proportion of patients with stage I-II) improved from 31.4% (2010) to 57.4% in 2019, and, accordingly, the proportion of neglected patients decreased significantly with stage III (from 49.4% to 29.2%) and with stage IV (from 18.7% to 12.8%). Morphological verification indicators for СС improved by 34.2%, from 85.2% and 95.2%, respectively, in 2010 and 2019.
Conclusions. Positive changes in the indicators of the oncological service were revealed: an increase in the proportion of morphological verification and early detection, a decrease in the proportion of patients with stage III-IV at the time of diagnosis and a decrease in mortality from СC. All this indicates a positive effect of the anti-cancer measures used, such as screening for CRC.


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Author Biographies

Askhat Axarin, Astana Medical University

Assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases with courses of Cardiothoracic and maxillofacial surgery

Dulat Turebayev, Astana Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases with courses in Angiosurgery and Plastic Surgery

Zaituna Khamidullina , Astana Medical University

Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No.1

Zhansaya Telmanova, Astana Medical University

7th year intern, Faculty of General Medical Practice

Gulnur Igissinova, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology

Zarina Bilyalova, Central Asian Institute for Medical Research

Chief Researcher

Zhanerke Azhetova, Astana Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Serikbay Orozbaev, Astana Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases with courses of Cardiothoracic and maxillofacial surgery

Kuanish Kulayev, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Practice No.1

Kulsara Rustemova, Astana Medical University

Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases with courses of Cardiothoracic and maxillofacial surgery

Saken Kozhakhmetov, Astana Medical University

Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases with courses of Cardiothoracic and maxillofacial surgery

Nurbek Igissinov, Astana Medical University

Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases with courses of Cardiothoracic and maxillofacial surgery







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